From: Cat@yabbs To: Steyr@yabbs Subject: re: Afterlife ? Date: Wed Jun 8 13:26:39 1994 In message Afterlife ?, Steyr said: > Terry Pratchett (in his book "Pyramids" I think) suggests the theory about > the afterlife (somewhat similar to what Topi said), that the afterlife is > whatever you imagine it to be. Now there's an idea that i like. i have one heck of an imagination. :) > This idea almost makes sense to me. I think the only person/being capable > of judging whether you have been good or bad in your life is you. i agree, and that's why i have such a problem with organized religions. many of them are just too darn judgemental...god loves everyone but he loves some people more that others sort of thing. a person can go through all the motions of being "good" and have bad intentions in their minds and vice versa. i wonder...if perhaps maybe there's a half way point betewwn hell and heaven. i for one would much rather stay where i am than end up sitting on a cloud or being barbecued in a pool of fire and brimstone. > Ummm ... just one more thing. If we have an afterlife, what about other > animals. Do cats have a heaven ? Do leeches go to hell ? WHat about > plants ? They're alive too. > hmm i had a discussion with my dad about this once. he says that animals can't go to heaven because they don't have souls. i disagree with this. i think every living thing has a soul and if "heaven" or whatever you want to call it is a place one gets into as a reward for being good...seems to me people will have a much harder time getting in that anything else. :) leeches going to hell? nah, they just act on their instinct to survive, but human leechs are another story. :) -tammie