From: topi@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: Always ;late with replys Date: Tue Jun 7 20:32:17 1994 Ohhhh... nice question "How do you ever get more?" That's truly something to contemplate. I understand what you were saying and how that question was posed, and its a truly legit thing to think about... and it runs straight back into the question of whats the afterlife going to be like. I can't seriously believe that anyone could be content in the thought of it all being total darkness, a true end, nothing, black, buried in a box. We HAVE to believe in something more, we HAVE to want something more. Otherwise what truly has been the point in our lives?? In essence what have we done all this time? Have we truly achieved NOTHING??? Is there anyone out there in this huge world, that is totally happy with their lives here on this planet, and who would not want more? Maybe it comes down to us all being greedy pigs, take everything you can get. So far, what I believe in is that everyone goes where they want to go when they die. You could look at it as finally being released from this body that inhibits us, and therefore you've got your soul, your imagination, and thats enough to create a billion different worlds with :) That's how I believe everyone gets their own - because we all have different minds and imagination. Woah. *smile* Love yas, -Cath.