From: Natalie@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: re: Always ;late with replys Date: Tue Jun 7 12:35:27 1994 well, here's my $.02 on religion and faith and its benefits.... I just got back from the funeral of my great uncle, who I loved very very much. He had cancer, so we all knew death was imminent, and I did go see him in the hospital so I got a chance to tell him I loved him and to say goodbye (which I didn't get with my mother), so I'm okay about that. But the funeral was Catholic. My whole family is Catholic, with the exception of myself and my sister. Me, I'mmore of a Gnostic than anythingelse, and my sister is fundamentalist born again. Now, when it comes to things like this, I don't know any of the rituals. I can't BELIEVE what the priest is saying about eternal life in heaven, because i'm not real sure aboutthe next plane of existence (i'm an agnostic gnostic). But I can see that there is some comfort in the ritual and tradtion of belonging to a specific church or faith. I don't have that comfort in my life, and I'm just glad thatI am strong ennough not to need that kind of comfort. (Religion is the opiate of the masses, i know, i know) But other ppl aren't as strong as I am, and I can see where religion/faith wopuld help them getthrough difficult periods in their lives. it's just when they try to shove it down MY throat thatI get mad. Sorry this is so long... natalie