From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: re: destiny Date: Fri Jun 3 09:45:47 1994 interesting questions...! the way i see it, most religions are more political organizations than religious. i mean, they all (or most) do a lot of good for society (soup kithens, social support, etc...) but i think they sorta use "God" as a way to pull in people that normally wouldn't be involved. almost like brainwashing, but to a good end. except in the case of those evangelists that just have people send money to them! personally, i think there is some "higher power", probably some combination of all the other religions, both mono- and polytheistic ones. but i don't really believe in a speceific idea of god or religion. and if that made any sense you're probably just as warped as me.... ...going to hell in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...:)