From: niche@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: philosopgy Date: Thu Jun 2 19:28:44 1994 I don't think that believing that there is some being/force greater than us is that difficult. I do however believe that too many churches have become corrupted in subtle ways, looking fro power permanance and most of all the almighty $$$. Look at how a schism is again forming between the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches, and importantly within the RC over whether women can be ordeined. And how many of the original founders of various religions would be horrified over religious WARS fought in their name... God is great, humans are real flawed. . (but if i really wanted wealth, I'd start my own ministry ;) like LRHubbard or the Bakkers) , as far as heaven or reincarnation: it depends on a lot. Is heaven someone else's idea of it or mine? Harps and cloud-sitting would get real boring within an eon. But reincarnation also has its problems, like where do arll the extra souls to make 5B people come from? or are there fake people? ...this hubris led to Hitler and the KKK. Of the tow, i'd prefer heaven, as even my favorite shows are boring eventually. Can you imagine going through potty training hundreds of times??? Niche