From: Steyr@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: Postong to Poetry Date: Wed May 25 09:17:17 1994 Most people are a little shy about letting others see their work. Fear of rejection is blamed mostly. But exactly what IS rejection ? Does it mean someone doesn't like your work ? Well whoopy doo ! You can't please everyone. What does it really matter if you get a couple of bad comments on it. Most people here are polite enough that if they think it is utter shit they will just shut up, unless they wish to give some constructive criticism, which is not a bad thing. It's not likely that anyone is gonna laugh and think you're a dickhead (or if they do they're not likely to say so). Even if you post something which ppl don't think is great, atleast you had the guts to do so. That earns a little respect in my book. So lets cut the "I'm scared of rejection" crap. Particularly on Yabbs, where you don't actually have to face the critics, it's NOT going to ruin your reputation/life. The worst case scenario is not that bad. So lets see what you have to post then ... I for one would be interested. - Steyr