From: Cat@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Just a thought Date: Sat Feb 19 10:22:21 1994 Hmmm Mind Games, Sometimes I think this bbs is a mind game! :) I spend so much time on here...I feel like I've really gotten to know some people. At the same time, I have to ask I know these people at all, or are they shadows? It's strange...I talk to you every day, and know many things about you, and at the same time I have to wonder how much I really DO know and if the things I know are true. The great thing about a bbs is that you can me anyone you want on it. In real life, Cat is a mouse...but I'm not all that shy here...Hmmm. I always like to wonder about what people here are like in real life. Perhaps we're all not so very different after all...Aw heck, now I'm confusing my self. But does anybody else ever think about things like this, or am I just a kook? :) See you all on yabbs! Cat, she who spends FAR to much time working in a comp lab.