From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: pixy@yabbs Subject: re: boundaries Date: Fri Apr 29 09:23:58 1994 I don't really agree with that... that people shouldn't try to change their method of thought. what if someone is extremely prejudiced, to the point that it's not just the occasional racist/sexist thought, but that their whole way of thinking was based on those ideas? Are you saying that if that's because a person was raised that way that they shouldn't feel guilty about it and try to change it, just because it's ingrained in them and they can't help it? I know plenty of people that come from very racist families thathave managed to overcome these tendencies, even though they've been raised with them from day one. the reason people shouldn't label other people is because everyone's so different! there's a lot of people that seem to fit right into some stereotype at first, but as you get to know them they really don't. maybe they just act like they do on the surface to fit into a group, i don't know. But people are too complex to really fit into a labeled group. if you're gonna label someone at least get to know them first.