From: pixy@yabbs To: hawke@yabbs Subject: re: boundaries Date: Wed Apr 27 21:15:42 1994 labeling is a very left-brained activity. To say that labeling is done because the mind can't really understand something is misleading. Labeling is the only way the left hemisphere of the brain can understand anything at all. YOu see, the left brain thinks in a very linear fashion. lines of hierarchy, grouping many thisgs with some similarity into one heading, symbolic understandings are all the products of the left brain. This explains why language is handled by the left brain. it also explains why the left brained have so much trouble drwing--when you try to draw someone using your left brain, you come out with little better than a stick figure. So, labeling and classification are not at all wrong--in fact they are very natural. But like Jasonlee said, you have to examine your labeling system to understand how you see the world and maybe how others see the world. But also you should take the right brain approach to the world everyonce and a while in order to check the power of the left brain. pixy