From: JasonLee@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: re: Reply to #27 Date: Tue Feb 15 15:49:38 1994 This is true, but hardly surprising. People have always rebelled a bit against the previous generation for some reason or other. The reason we see so much of this in the 20th century is because change has always been brought about by technological advances, of which this century has seen MANY. So, as the tech progressed faster and faster, older generations couldn't adapt and preferred the old ways, and the new kids were brought up in the world of improved tech. This continues into our age, when we not only have normal technology but also behavior technology, physical technology, political technology, etc. So, as innovation proceeds, the older people will be left behind with their values and the new kids will take over. Not a surprise. In this rebellion of the new, the attitudes taken on by the rbebels are not new, though, just some rehash of mentalities from previous years. The periods of liberalism and conservatism will cycle in waves. That's how things work. Extra thoughts: It will be the next millenium before popular culture reinnovates itself. We've had nothing new since the sixties. There will never be a nostalgia movie made about the eighties (saying this after just having watched American Graffiti and Dazed & Confused). JasonLee