From: Le@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: should we? Date: Sat Apr 2 21:58:20 1994 wondering if I (or anyone) sees someone spending so much time on a bbs that it could be engulfing a huge amount of their time that we should worry about why they are doing this, etc... Okay, it would seem pretty obvious that someone who spent an overwhelming amount of time would have reasons for doing so. But should we worry? If the reasons are destructive, yes I suppose we should worry. If I decide that I am so unattractive that I can not show my face in public, and thus only interact through a BBS, I would see that as a cause for worry. But if I used to spend 8 hours a day watching tv and now I spend 8 hours a day on yabbs, well that more a trade-off on how I spend my time. I guess what I am saying is that the motives are different for different people, and I don't know if we should pry into other's lives by asking them why they are here so much, as I personally would find that offensive. But if I felt that I had built a friendship with someone on a BBS, and I knew that their reasons for being on one for 8, 10, 15 hours a day were unhealthy, then I might feel comfortable enough with them to go ahead and discuss it. But as for judging other people on the basis of how they spend their time and live their lives, I don't think that's appropriate. To each his own, as long as he's happy and doesn't mess with me.