From: Le@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: psychologically speaking Date: Sat Apr 2 10:34:15 1994 Not that I'm a psychology wiz, but I have to ask after reading that article, where was Nathaniel? What did we really know about him? We don't know why he was shy and socially isolated. We don't know what in his background left him vulnerable to the MUDaddiction. I think to look only at the MUD as the cause of his death is absurb. The MUD was the symptom, not the disease. While I agree that being moral and reasonable in cyberspace is a nice ideal, let's face the fact that as merely another aspect of human existence, why expect it to be any more perfect. There are a range of personalities on the net just as in the real world. To expect them to all stick to a moral code is unrealistic. As for netaddiction in and of itself, it really has many differenyt levels. I used to spend hours on BBS's, and I'll admit that my grades might have suffered because of it, but luckily they didn't. But I told people that BBS's are like my TV, I don't sit mindnumb in front of a TV for hours every night. If I had not been BBSing for hours, I seriously doubt that I would have been doing my homework. The BBS would not have been to blaim. I think the first question that should be asked if the time on BBS's/MUD's get out of hand is, "What are you not getting in your real life that you get here?" Just a thought.