From: robtelee@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: Reply to #27 Date: Tue Feb 15 02:29:41 1994 According to sociological theory, we are "blank slates" when we enter this world. We begin to soak up experiences from the second of birth. It is from that point that we are determined about who/why/what we are. Society impacts on us in different ways. The people we interact with affect us whether we want them to or not. These outside forces form and sharpen our personalities and philosophies, and this process takes our entire lives. Our home lives determine how we interact with others. We can learn intolerance from our parents or we can totally reject the lifestyle that they led. I direct your attention to the anti-establishment movement of the late 60's and early 70's. This led to a change in attitudes among the generation brought up by that group. This change led to the changes we have seen up to this time. Now we have seen a resurgence of the values held during the 1950's. This is especially true among SOME, but not all, of the generation coming of age now. They have rejected the lifestyles of the older generation and adopted a more conservative lifestyle. Hence the sharply drawn political divisions apparent today. You even show some evidence of the changes wrought over the past twenty-five years. Do your parents have the same opinions and attitudes that you do ? I would venture to say no. As always, Your comments are welcome. Robt. E. Lee