From: htoaster@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: my reaction Date: Fri Apr 1 23:43:39 1994 Anyway, the first thing that I thought of when reading that was yabbs. One of my biggest concerns in running this system is that it becomes easy for people to see this as so much of an alternate reality that they forget about real life and stuff. Sometimes I wonder if I am being socially responsible running a system like this, where I know that some people spend so much time that it hurts their grades in school, and probably doesn't help in other aspects of their life either. On the other hand I know that a lot of people have met very close friends on here (I've met some really great people as well), and that this wouldn't happen if the system didn't exist. I guess that I become worried that someone may become so addicted to the type of computer interaction with people found here and on other systems that they will loose touch with what is really out there. Computer interaction is so weird because while it is still a form of communication, like the phone or parties or whatever, it creates a layer of abstraction that very few other mediums do. You can present yourself however you want, because it is pretty likely that no one on the other side knows you. Its easy to change anything, sex, religion, culture, or even just small things, like presenting yourself in a little more flirtous way than you normally would (I know that a lot of people are more open when talking on a computer, myself included, because it can seem so abstract to think that other people may be on the other side). But what if people go into it too deep? What causes that to happen (and it happens a lot. MUDs and IRC and systems like this are becoming banned in a lot of places because schools are worried about the amount of time spent behind them). Who's fault is it when it happens? I am being socially unresonsable running a system like this? If I see that someone is spending so much time on something like this should I try and see if anything is wrong? A lot of times I jokingly say "hey, no failing classes because of yabbs," but it is something that truely bothers me. I guess I wonder what other people think of these problems. Originally I was going to post this to the IRC/MUD/bbs base, but people here seem to be talking in the vein to some degree, so this seemed like a better place. alex