From: Destiny@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: hmmm... Date: Thu Mar 31 15:28:47 1994 No kidding. You know, I never liked April Fool's day...I always fell for something stupid and ended up looking like a moron. Of course some people might say that I don't need any help from April Fool's day to make me look like a moron...hehehe...nah, I'm not stupid! Really I'm not! :) Anyway, yes, it is a strange happening, but I don't think there is such a thing as coincidence...everything happens for a reason, but when we don't know that reason, we simply tack on the reference "coincidence" so everyone will know what we are talking about :) Just some random thoughts from me :) I'm in a weird mood today...*shrug* Happens to the best of us I guess... :) -Dest'