From: topi@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: re: new thread Date: Wed Mar 30 08:27:49 1994 Hi buzz.. I share some of your attitudes.I've noticed the same thing, and especially in my own life. I admit, i am not the "best" socially.. and IRC is a place to run to and hide away from the rest of the world, and yet.. still be a part of the world (as they are sooo many people here.. it must count for a big chunk of the population :) Personally, I have gained a lot of support here, have been enabled to speak my view and actually work at my argumentative skills ( one point i am definetally not good at in real life.. :( ) I feel I've gained a whole lot of confidence, I know of it just grows within myself, but it needed to be planted and my IRC friends (sorry.. internet friends :) have helped a lot. I AM a better person since coming in contact with the internet, and of course - it is GREAT FUN! :) Another point, along the lines that you touched upon, is your reference to the great outdoors. I know or myself, that I appreciate being outside SO much more nowadays. It is as a result of being cooped up in a small room, glaring at these little computer screen, that this has come about. But it HAS come about and that is the point. (line 12 or = for, that is probably not all the errors.. but..) A person who IS worried about the confusion between Internet and Real Life, -Cath.