From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: Lacey@yabbs Subject: re: new thread Date: Tue Mar 29 09:26:33 1994 i guess what made me think of that was this article on muds, how people with bad social skills are using muds, irc and the like (here?) to learn to communicate... and then what happens when they get out of the computer lab? i found myself doing this last year, when i realized that i was totally different online then in person, so i've been trying to do more "live" stuff. but more and more people seem to be just living behind a keyboard now, and it's kinda scary. some people, esp. companies, seem to like this idea of living without ever leaving your home, but is that really living at all? i don't think any amount of technology can replace the feeling of being alive i get when i go camping with a bunch of friends, the most high-tech thing there being a little coleman stove, or even just going mountain biking or hiking for a day. and even then a lot of people seem to like that kind of thing for a while but then "can't wait to get back", but a lot of times i feel like i'd rather live like that. or maybe somewhere in between. it's just so much more simple, more real... or maybe i'm just rambling... later