From: Lacey@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: re: new thread Date: Mon Mar 28 02:04:07 1994 Society and technology are what we make them. You have to learn to take things with a grain of salt because if you don't things will get even more complicated than they already are. I do however agree with you about the layers that we as a society have surrounded ourselves with. We have taken technology for granted and we've learned to depend on other things to do what used to be part of a job. When there weren't microwaves people would actually use the stove to cook a meal. When there weren't copiers carbon paper worked perfectly. When there weren't computers people used old fashion typewriters to do what they had to do. When there wasn't e-mail people used the post office or the telephone. When there wasn't the telephone people used the mail or a messanger. Because we have all of these things at our disposal, we are becoming lazier and lazier. The thing about all this is that we don't want to get rid of it or forfget that it was ever here because then we would be living the life of the stone ages. We have become too dependant on technology and we need to realize that or we will keep getting lazier and sooner or later we won't even be communicating. You made a very good point. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. --Lacey