From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: new thread Date: Sun Mar 27 14:31:35 1994 I've been thinking lately (please spare any stupid jokes...) and maybe it's just me, but does society seem to be getting MUCH too complicated for its own good? There seems to be a natural balance of activities and ways that people spend their time that is necessary to keep your sanity, and that balance seems to still be there, but things are piled higher and higher on each side of all the axes, so that it's coming close to collapsing altogether. (did that make any sense?) to simplify a bit: lets say that one of the axis is between recreation time and working time. people come up with all these ways to decrease working time (mostly through technology), so that there will be more recreation time. but then because of all these new things being invented, it takes more working time to develop them... and then this turns into an industry that didn't exist before, which has to maintain a balance of its own, which takes more working time to complete. And then people figure out ways to reduce this, and the cycle continues. so many things are artificial - economy, industry, fashion, many types of modern entertainment... and they are all interdependent. if people could just "peel off" all these layers, we could return to a much simpler way of life, possibly without sacrificing many of the benefits of technology. As long as the things we discarded were on opposite sides of the axes, the balance would still be maintained, but we would be one level closer to a much simpler lifestyle. if you have any clue as to what i mean, lemme know. this is just an idea that i've been throwing around. i have a strange relationship with technology - i love playing with it and learning about it (i'm a comp sci major), it fascinates me, but the direction that it seems to be taking in society just doesn't appeal to me. a strange dilemma!