From: Deaska@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: re: suicide Date: Mon Mar 21 10:43:00 1994 *grin* you shoulda seen some dreams of mine I've been having over the last coupla years... darkness, and emptiness... being alone in a void, or a city... the only soul there... hehehe, that's probly my crazy imagination, but I sure hope its not like that. We're all going to have to face it alone oneday in our lives, and we are going to feel just as conscious as we do feel now. Perhaps being frightened of death itself is a good sign that you're okay upstairs *tapping head* i dunno,... cuz heaps of normal ppl aren't afraid of it. *sigh* Yuppers Cat *hug* I've learnt my lesson... no more walking down that path fer me... Dest *blink*