From: Deaska@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: re: suicide Date: Sun Mar 20 02:36:31 1994 Yuppers Cat and dmonger, right on the ball... But whatever way you look at it though, its still a terrible element in life and society today. Rob, potential suiciders kinda get narrow minded. Only the lucky ones who have either the support and guidance of their families, or who just make a last min correction to their state of mind will live. But then, there are people who do more damage alive (i.e. Le's situation) than otherwise... so there's always a good and bad side of it. I'd rather be alive, cuz I'm pretty frightened that there may be nothing on the other side... not that it would matter. (but that's my personal no one please spill any religious stuff on me after) *sigh* and I believe there's a future and a purpose for me. Deaska :)