From: Le@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: if... Date: Sat Mar 19 09:53:30 1994 If I read you correctly, your argument is that suicide, and esp. teen suicide, is a waste of a potentially productive and happy life. I have to say that in some cases this could be the case, and the unsuccessful suicide attempts of people who fit into this category give merit to that argument. But what about those who have to endure incredible emotional and psychological pain? Who are we to judge what another human should go through? Is it enough to say that one day it may get better? What if it doesn't? I think that people in pain often end up taking it out on others. I for one can tell you that I lived in hell for four years because of a mentally disturbed father who had himself been abused as a child. He committed suicide. And I can honestly say that my life would have continued to be a living hell had he lived, and that any potential I had would have been crushed, just as his was. While I won't say that his comitting suicide was right or wrong, I will say that in taking his life, he saved those of his three children. (Think about it, some people who commit suicide are future murderers and criminals, can we judge the correctness or incorrectness of this act by future possibilites?)