From: Deaska@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: re: suicide Date: Fri Mar 18 10:39:36 1994 I know with some teen suicide, its like the only way out of a terrible existence... like punching out of a burning aircraft, you feel as though life is at lost anyway, so you have no motivation to continue. Some of us are fortunate to fail in our attempts, and see the lightof nother day, then another week... until something pulls us back from the edge... the others well... we know already. its not just pain that drives kids over the edge...whether it be physical or emotional, and some kids may not be seeking to leave an imprint on the lives of those they leave behind.... they just want to get the screw out of there. To them, life only gets worse.. so why the hell continue? To die, and not give a shit about it, that's the call... Deask'