From: robtelee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: suicide Date: Fri Mar 18 02:30:27 1994 Then, some people commit suicide in order to relieve a burden on their families. This is the case in some illnesses. The actor feels that they are a burden on their loved ones and decide that, for the benefit of all, they should end their life. They make this decision on their own and fail to see the consequences of their act. They do not see the pain, recriminations, and anger that they leave behind. Especially painful is the question of teen suicide. They see suicide as another plane of existence. The families are left to deal with the questions of "why didn't they talk to me," and "what was going through their head at the time." The teen actor may feel left out, may have had a failed relationship, anything. They may see it as a way to get attention, a call for help. They do not see dead as dead.