From: Deaska@yabbs To: Charon@yabbs Subject: yuppers Date: Sat Mar 12 07:14:18 1994 Now that's the most sensible thing I've read in ages... hehehe no shit, honest... Love to me is like getting hit by a truck, knocked senseless... and i agree with ya and Para (hiya Para!!! *grin*), this is one near death experience I don't want to come out of... Seriously, I welcome all research into what makes things tick in this world of ours,... but I fear the potential consequences that is born from research. I don't like the "stand over" attitude that some ppl have in relation to what's right and wrong, especially when it comes to love and relationships. Perhaps its jealousy, or the tall poppy syndrome, or just cold heartedness. No one has the right to decide what is a love and its quality between two or more people, except those who are involved in that particular love. There are a lot of big mouths and small brains in this world... if only they reversed that, listened and thought a bit more... ...they would stop before they hurt something as beautiful as love. Its not a perfect world, we are no angels... KTS Deask'