From: twilight@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: my two cents Date: Fri Mar 11 16:38:22 1994 Just FYI. Scientists and doctors have isolated chemicals which flow in the blood stream of people in love. Studies show that these chemical slowly dissipate over about ten years. Relationships that last this long are ussually characterized by friendship love more than sexual attraction. This research also lends credence to the so called seven year itch, although it suggests that it be renamed. Sorry to all you out there who take a more philosophical perspective to these things. As some small consolation let me suggest that like most things to do with the body and its chemicals, there is no way how these results are affected by other variables. Still and all, It is rather intersting is it not? (query: What about love potions made from these chemicals. ) Concering death: When you consider that there is no way to know what exists after death nad there is no way to find out, it seems rather pointless to me to speculate. If you concern yourself with living then what goes on in the after will work itslf out, and if it doesn't you wouldn't be able to affect it anyway. Just to really stir up the bees, let me also suggest that this same logic can be used to undermine the teachings of virtually every religion in the world. The purpose of religion is to give us guidelines to follow in life in order to ensure a good afterlife. Death is the underlying cause and religion is the effect. The sheer diversity of religions on this biosphere is proof enough that one single faith doesn't holds all the cards. Every one of them is a speculation and noone can prove them can their right. Well, I hope noone takes offence to my rantings. These are just my opinions and I welcome any comment. Twilight