From: Xela@yabbs To: Deaska@yabbs Subject: easy Date: Mon Feb 14 16:49:57 1994 I really have come to the conclusion that deep down inside there is very little variation on the human plan, and what little there is gives physical and neurochemical differences. But behavior-wise I think that we are all predictable, very predictable, when it comes to first-circuit emotions: hate, lust, greed, amore, blah blah. We are all programmable little beasts, and it shows up in the patterns we program into ourselves: cultural traits, obediance to powers that be, eating habits, bs., bs.. You said: "the only real place you'll find predictability is in Marketing... coca cola (tm)" Well, we bought it, right? Marketing capitalizes on predictable behavior patterns of a percentage of the consumer market, in other words, they know what we the consumer like. And coca-cola inc. is a multi-national company, just like pepsi, sony, merck pharmaceuticals, etc. Whole empires are built around patterns of behavior.