From: Charon@yabbs To: paradox@yabbs Subject: re: hmmm Date: Fri Mar 11 00:00:33 1994 well helo mister dork, whats up? you know that this is all a mind game so i won't quibber over details. try me..... right now i am playing with your head, while you sleep.... while you dream of how syupid school will be tommarrow, and how cool; it will be to get drunk tommarrow night.... i know you rhtoughts and i know you! so stick with the subject and talk about death or LOVE.... you are in LOVE now are you not???? well, give us all your 2 cents........... ^^^^^^^^^ Charon ^^^^^^^^^ _______________________________ ** ** ^^ ^^ @@ @@ _ @@ _ [ ] { } { } opps! later! /s