From: Charon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: DEATH Date: Tue Mar 8 22:48:05 1994 ok new topic, death. interesting, complex, puzzling, yet mysterious. all wrapped into one subject. do any of you think about what happens when you die. have you sat at home in bed, at night and wonder what it will be like when you die....when your life..YOUR EXISTENCE... is over! it scares me alot. it also attracts me alot too. i wonder, all the time being scare yet wanting to know more. ironic coming from the last deamon/god that the dead see, Charon. i hope that when i die i can really live. but i always wonder that if i die life wil just end... just like that. no explanation of our purpose for life, just a blank screen. like pulling the cord of the telly out of the wall. nobody will ever know, even with all of the the advancements in sciece and technology, no one will know what happens. it is the ultimite quest of knowledge. if one were to find out what happens after death, they would be ridiculed and called a liar. no one would believe them because they would all be scared to face it , DEATH! *******Charon*******