From: Destiny@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: *smile* Date: Tue Mar 8 15:09:37 1994 The last few posts have made me feel like I was in AP Physics all over again. But, physics is over for me (thank heaven). I though I might post a new topic for consideration. I wasn't sure if it would really fit under the mind games topic, but when I thought about it, I realized it is very appropriate for the board. Topic for consideration: Is love chemical, mental or both...or neither. And do you believe in the concept that two people can be meant for each other, or do you think any couple can have love if they work at it hard enough. I guess this might also get into the ideas of fate and "destiny"...I'm -really- interested in everyone's thoughts on this...whatever they may be...thanks as always for taking the time to read :) Take care all :) -Dest'