From: Destiny@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hmm... Date: Mon Feb 14 13:22:18 1994 This is a really interesting topic which we have brought upon ourselves. I'm really intrigued by everyone's responses...I must admit I was thoroughly amused by the quote about being "unique". I do, however, fell that each individual is, in fact, unique. We have all been exposed to different environments which have shaped our values, opinions, and way of thinking. Due to differences in perception among each of us individuals, any given situation will -appear- to be the way we wish to see it. Granted many of us have the same opinions and morals, either for similar or different reasons, but the relaity of any situation is going to be relative to the individuals involved. I would venture to say that almost everything is relative... -Dest' P.S. That phrase 3 lines up should say : "...but the reality..." Sorry 'bout that. I have horrible typing skills.