From: Destiny@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: time... Date: Sun Mar 6 18:04:48 1994 Lat year in my physics class we had several discussions in regards to time and it's existence as well as effect on the world. We would sit down and calculate all of these equations which, to me, seemed nothing more than a bunch of made up numbers standing for made up ideas. The entire concept of time eludes me really. I would venture to say it is entirely relative. As with many things I have come to live by, I see time as merely an invention of humans in effort to create order- which is a goal of most humans on this earth. We strive for this thing called order and create all of these vehiclews by which to acheive it. I think time is merely one of these vehicles. Just a few thoughts to think about *smile* As always, thanks for taking the time to listen, and to those of you who wish to respond, thanks for your contributions of ideas. -Dest'