From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Are we alive ? Date: Sat Mar 5 01:51:16 1994 OK then ... here's something which has rattled around my mind occasionally. Is the human body really a single living entity, or could we compare ourselves to, say, a nest of ants .... with individual cells within our body corresponding to an ant in the nest ... all working together to achive common goals. Are we really alive or are we just an association between cells ? Could a nest or hive of insects be considered a single entity ? On the other end of the scale ... perhaps we are just a tiny part of a much larger living entity called Earth ... or perhaps the galaxy. Could we perhaps be to the Earth as a single cell is to us ? Does the Earth have it's own thought patterns on a level which we cannot comprehend ? OK. Enough weirdness for one day. Let me know what you think. Am I really a kook ?