From: Le@yabbs To: Steyr@yabbs Subject: If you are going Date: Thu Mar 3 00:17:24 1994 to make statements, why don't you back them up with facts? Otherwise, you just provide opinions, which are like... Well, everybody has one. If you wish to claim that crime rates are higher in areas where people don't care about anything but themselves, then please feel free to provide the documentation to prove it. Perhaps I can refer you to a few criminology texts. ;) You have already conceded that those who are unpatriotic are not necessarily criminal, are you saying that those who are criminal are unpatriotic? Thus areas where pride in country/community/etc. is low would be those areas where crime is high because those are attitudes one finds in criminals? This relates to the view of crime as a socio-economic phenomena, perhaps you picked up on that in my last post. As for apathy, I don't see the problem. If everyone lived their lives without regard to others, that would create a problem. But I do not equate inconsideration for fellow man with political apathy or lack of patriotism. I believe you are drawing several faulty correlations, or at the very least misusing your terms.