From: Le@yabbs To: steyr@yabbs Subject: huh? Date: Wed Mar 2 13:55:18 1994 way back when, you stated that the crime rate was related to a lack of patriotism... I majored in criminology and can tell you that you are way off base with that one. If you are going to make faulty correlations, at least supply the corresponding faulty reasoning behind them, as you make no statements in support of that idea. And as far as my view of patriotism (for anyone who cares, and for those who don't :P ) I don't need it. I accept that I have a freedom to live the way I choose in this country within the boundaries placed on me by the state. I am grateful for the freedom, and I accept those boundaries. I do the best I can to survive, and that's the best it gets in this day and age. As for the pathetic state of the nation today, I look to the disintegration of the family caused in part by the strains resulting from the ever-lowering standard of living in this country as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and the middle class fights for its life. The American dream is just about dead, and it's taking patriotism with it.