From: robtelee@yabbs To: Destiny@yabbs Subject: other's shoes Date: Mon Feb 14 01:27:27 1994 In order to accomplish what you describe, two people would have to occupy the EXACT same spot at the EXACT same time. As we all know, this is just not possible. I think what is needed is empathy, or understanding of another's situation. Understanding is the ability to interpret the actions of another by knowing what information was mentally processed in order to draw the conclusion that was arrived at. It is not, to coin a phrase, "Monday morning quarterbacking" or second guessing. This situation arises in the aftermath of a police-involved shooting. A police officer makes a split-second decision on whether or not to shoot. He is then second-guessed at the leisure of the courts and the public. I am not saying ALL police involved shootings are justified. I am merely saying that the facts should speak for themselves.