From: robtelee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Patriotism Date: Mon Feb 28 03:12:01 1994 I have been following the dabate on this base regarding Patriotism and feelings for one's heritage. It seems that some have the two confused. Having one does not mean they have the other. Patriotism also does NOT mean to blindly folow what the government is saying, doing, etc. Patriotism, to me, means to have pride in the accomplishments of our past and to look hopefully into the future. The United States have accomplished much for a relatively young country. We explored and conquered a continent. Along with others, the United States developed flight for mankind. The United States put man on the moon. Those are accomplishments to be proud of. On the other hand, the United States commited genocide against the Native American peoples of that inhabited this continent long before the arrival of the white race. The United States, with others, developed thermonuclear devices capable of obliterating ALL human life. Couple of things to not be real proud of. The list could be extended, but I take it for granted that all are intelligent to get my point. I am very patriotic. I dearly love the United States. To be told I am "fucked in the head" is very insulting. I am also proud to have a Native American culture to be proud of. It gives roots for me to look back on and see how far America has come. I have served in the Armed Forces for the United States (United States Marine Corps, class of 74). I felt at the time, and still do, that this country was something worth fighting for. I can understand what Steyr is saying and can empathize with him. So, please, do not dismiss someone because they have strong feelings for their country. As for those of you who have nothing to be proud of other than yourselves, you have my sympathy. robtelee