From: Xela@yabbs To: Steyr@yabbs Subject: Arrogance Date: Sun Feb 27 12:11:33 1994 Steyr said - "So tell me, what exactly is so wrong with having a sense of pride in ones heritage and country ?" Ok, easy. When you have arrogant feelings about anything which your rulers back, i.e. wars against other countries, that gives you all the justification you need to do whatever you feel like to that country and its people, i.e. rape and pillage. Pride in something other than yourself gives you what you feel is the right to anything you please, because your country is goddamned great, et al. Ever hear of anybody do something "for love of God and State?" Sound familiar? Well that person is fucked in the head not only because he/she is psychotically arrogant, but the ruling govt. can take advantage of that as well. If you knew about the American Army, you would know how it entices young men and women to join. Slick commercials depicting "real men" hunting down other "bad men." Pictures of "fame, fortune, and glory." That is, apparently if you are an engineer on a nuclear sub, you'll have the skills to do anything in life, etc. etc. etc. Government feeds this "pride" to the point where it can do anything. -Alex