From: Deaska@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Critical Allegiances Date: Fri Feb 25 17:10:28 1994 Steyr, the americans are on a way different wavelength to what we are... and even though this seems a generalization, it is true that different nations' people think differently (afterall, why do we need Summits at the International Ministerial Level? Cuz, we're not all buddies) I support Steyr and all those who have a strong sense of allegiance to their nation... although I can say that this is not a pluralist attitude in Australia, (some of you might say... why do we care... at this point) we just haven't been pissed on by the state as much as some other nations have. But frankly, lets see some internationalism, cuz you're not gonna have much choice in later years... IMHO Deask'