From: Steyr@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Patriotism = Wars ? Date: Fri Feb 25 00:12:22 1994 On your stance that fierce patriotism leads to wars .... well *grin* I don't mind an odd scrap now and again and would aggressively defend my county (Now THIS should bring a few comments *smile*). Everyone is entitles to their own ideas on patriotism, loyalty and honor but I feel that apathetic attitudes lead directly to social and socio-economic breakdown. After all ... "No man is an island" (who said that) ... and so a selfish *I care for myself and no-one else* attitude can ultimately lead only to destruction. -=: Steyr :=- Oh, P.S. Incase you didn't know cosmos .... a Steyr is an instrument used to defend this fair country of mine.