From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Be proud of your heritage. Date: Thu Feb 24 20:29:26 1994 To Cat : Oh. I do apologise. I misunderstood what you meant. To Cosmos : A family is merely a miniature society, defined by ties of blood and marriage (although there are more ties to it nowdays). A country is both the physical land and the society which exists on that land. I just think that if nobody gives a shit about their country then that is the start of the destrucion of society as we know it. I also feel that apathetic attitudes such as the one you seem to display can also be linked directly to crime rates (although don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you a criminal). I think it's time people did start to care again .. not only for themselves but for their local town/city, their state, and their country. As always comments/arguments are welcome. -=: Steyr :=-