From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Be proud of your heritage. Date: Thu Feb 24 19:03:05 1994 To people like cosmos and Cat. I don't understand how you can have no feelings for your heritage and your home country. I'm proud to be Australian and that patriotism forms a large part of my life, influencing things as major as my career. Not everyone can be proud of their heritage, ideed some hate it and no doubt have good reasons for that hatred., but to me, being so apathetic as to *not care* about your country is the beginning of the end of society as we know it .... although possibly the beginning of a singular, worldwide society. I wonder ... if you have no feelings for your country, do you have any feelings for your family ? Yourself ? Life in general ? I mean, afterall, a country is (in a way) just a larger version of a family (just without the blood ties). -=: Steyr :=-