From: LazerAce@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: LAMERS! Date: Thu Feb 24 15:16:18 1994 I'm not trying to be some demigod or whatever...All I'm saying is that the "newbies" need to be taught the etiquette...I don't like the conversation your talking about either...It's stupid. And when somebody talks stupid they need to be educated. I like it here and I think you have some good ideas and all. I just think that you need to think about some solutions to the problem your facing, that's all. Put up a Garbage Dump board and don't subscribe to it, just let the people take their shit there and do there stuff or something. If they start doing something you don't like on a sub you subscribe to, don't tell them to stop, instead, tell them to take it to the Garbage Dump! THEN if they don't, get more drastic.