From: boingers@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: honesty Date: Thu May 5 01:29:45 1994 in a world where people lie all the time i hope that yabbs users don't feel the need to do so. i pride myself on honesty and have met very many nice people on yabbs, however lately i have founf that several people are just plain liars, no truth in anything that they say. I hope that if you get to talk to me on yabbs you don't feel the need to pretend to be something that you aren't ..i talk to all and accept all...why lie it just shows others that you have a poor opinion of youself and are not worthy of their valuable timede. when my son grows up he'll example from me that honesty is important. when we walked back into the produce store to give the clerk the quarter i was overpaid in change (even though i am unemployed and need every penny ) i told him that it was a mistake and that you should be honest whenever possible, please be honest with me...i welcome replies at my yabbs email to this as welll as this message base. thanks..boingers.