From: GreyWolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Usage of drugs.. Date: Sat Mar 5 02:16:32 1994 Hello, you all.. this is a rather random message.. but I was wondring... are you all on drugs, or is it just me... you seem to be writing messages that just have a subject matter, but not text... Is there a reason for this, or do you just wish to waste Hard Disk space with nothing to say (but obviously less than me) At least I have an excuse... insobriety.. That's right, I can find my way to the internet, without th3 capacit|3 0|= |\/| \ mind.... scared... aren't you... maybe you should check out my code, when I am in the current state of sobriety... and to think, I am under the age of 21... wow, I am a rebel, aren't I? NOT!!!!!!! but at least I can type about a screen full of worthless text, and not just a subject header. Consider yourself cut down by a lamer. GreyWolf