From: Death@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: yabbsfest Date: Sun Jul 3 12:53:24 1994 Everybody (or almost everybody) here on yabbs wonders what everyone else is like in "real" life... To this end, I'm announcing that a bunch of us have gotten together to organize a party!!! We've decided that at some as yet undetermined point in time, anybody from Yabbs that wants to is invited to come to Pittsburgh, the birthplace of Yabbs, where we will all get together for a weekend or so of fun :> The reason the time is still undetermined is because we need everyone who wants to come to let us know when would be a good time for them... Email me with questions, comments, suggestions, and what time would be good for you at: See you there!!! --Death PS... I put this message in every base on the off chance that EVERYBODY might actually get to see it :>