From: jasonlee@yabbs To: RICK@yabbs Subject: re: guns vs no guns Date: Thu Dec 2 12:20:17 1993 Well, that's very nice, isn't it? The Brady Bill is not the be-all, end-all solution to gun control, but it does help. It will stop a man who has a fight with his wife from going out, getting a gun, and blowing her head off. It is not intended to completely end crime. Giving everyone guns wouldn't help much either; you'd just have a hell of a lot more dead people. I sort of agree with you about the speed of justice in our court system, but I understand that a lot of it is necessary in order to protect the innocent. If you were wrongly convicted of a crime, would you want to be dead within a week with no chance for appeal? Don't think it can't happen to you, because if someone in authority wants you dead, it'll happen. Oh, about prisoners getting sentenced to life then getting out in a few years, a lot of that is due to overcrowding in the prisons. I bbelieve that a lot of the pro-gun people are also those who say "I don't want to pay for some prisoner to live!" so the jails are forced to release people who are not ready ot inhabit society. JasonLee