From: jujubee@yabbs To: pbj@yabbs Subject: re: Great Recipe Date: Fri Aug 5 10:47:11 1994 it doesn't taste right w/a different type of cheese...the feta makes it...well, check your grocery stores and see how they sell it...feta is actually MUCH cheaper than some of the other cheeses at my store...i shop at Kroger, and they buy bulk feta and cut it up in chunks, put it in little containers w/water (preserves the feta) and sell it like that in their little "cheese section" over by the coffee beans, sausages, and whatnot...check, i'm hoping you'll be pleasantly surprised! :) jujubee who is crossing her fingers for pbj and others who are still struggling through school on limited funds.... jujubee has been there; she knows first hand! :)