From: pbj@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: Cheap food. Date: Fri Aug 5 01:39:01 1994 i dunno but i didn't think i was the only veg on this board ...umm can we say the cheapest food in the world...ummmm legumes hello!!!!! you can get shit loads of beans for very little cashage and they can be messed with in about a million ways....soups..refried with all kinds of veggies and rice and pasta are awesome...just let your imagination flow......well yet again my 2 cents worth pbj mirrors aweburning colleen marie ( who is wondering why nobuddy posted anything about beans and such earlier ) btw...if you osak them overnight in water this "relives" them of alot of the "side-effects" of eating them also rinse them well b4 and after soakage..with cold water...beans are really dusty and dirty sometimes...hmmmm i wonder why hehehe )