From: Zbadba@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Garlic Bread Date: Sat Jul 30 23:23:51 1994 As garlic seems to be popular around here (yes!), here is Zbadba's be-all and end-all garlic bread recipe. Very Very simple. 1 loaf bread, sliced *longitudinally* (i.e. not in slices, but top half and bottom half) Garlic powder (or garlic salt, if you prefer (which I don't)) Oregano Parmesan & Romano cheese, grated (from a can is fine. You can also use just one or the other, but IMHO, it's better w/ a blend) Butter (or margarine if you're *that* health-conscious) In a small sauce pan melt a half stick of butter (assuming it's a good sized loaf of french bread). Sprinkle (or pour) copious amounts of garlic powder on the (dry) bread. Pour melted butter over garlicked bread. Add a *lot* of cheese (basically, an even 1/8" layer or so). Sprinkle w/ oregano. Put in oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When you open the oven, it should smell. It may not be an appetizing smell at first. Ignore it. Serve bread while still warm. It's yummy. Very. Also, if you have the garlic cloves on hand, and you have the time, sautee garlic in the butter, and eliminate the garlic powder from the recipe. I like this on a big loaf of french bread, but using a sweeter bread (like a wheat bread) produces a really neat contrast, and should be tried once you've got the hang of it. Also, experiment with the amounts of stuff. I wasn't real specific- different people have different tastes. Don't forget - use the top and bottom halves, putting the ingredients on the open faces.